I love my hell
I love my hell
I enjoy breathing its fresh air, and flying my soul
above its streets' quietness.
I love to walk in its mountains and valleys
I like all the farmers who do there best to earn there living
In my hell many children don't watch TV, few of them study; and the others you can find them starving on some corner of the passive life.
They have no hope, and they don't know how to dream ..
I love my country
I love all of the mentioned terrorists; whom many of the western people afraid of, and I am afraid for.
مرحبا هذه المرة الأولى التي أزور فيها صفحتك أعجبتني طريقة تعبيرك عن مشاعرك الصور كذلك معبرة لكن لاحظت أنك تشترك بصورة (الطفل بجانب المطعم) مع صفحة
ثانية لذلك اقترح أن تضع شروط لحفظ ملكية الصور وأن لا تسمح للآخرين باستخدامها لأن وجود ذات الصورة في الصفحتين يؤدي إلى تدني مستوى الصفحتين برأيي وفي الختام شكرا لك لأنك تعبر عن واقع جيل الشباب
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:04 PM
Dear Sonia,
Thanks for you comment and you are welcome in my fee zone :)
You are alright, this photo is borrowed from Ghalia and I had her permission before posting it, and she didn't mind.
even so you are alright, I had to reference her and I used to.
maybe this time I couldn't find the context to thank her for this professional photo.
thanks for your care again, hope I can pass you blog someday.
Posted by
Majd Ayoubi |
10:45 PM
هذه المشاهد من سوريا دمشق أم من مصر القاهرة! الوحدة لم تكن وهم إذا؟
ها نحن مع مرور العقود نتشابه و نتوحد فقرا و إهمالا و استغلالا من أولي أمرنا المغاوير الشرفاء الوطنيون
Posted by
ايمان |
8:56 AM
nice job,,,keep up the good work,,,
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:52 AM
very intresting, Ill be sure to check back often - but as far as westerners being afraid of Arab terrorists: we fear them as much as the cat fears the mouse.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:21 AM
Destroy all pyramids- the pyramid schemes, the pyramids at Giza, the pyramids of manipulation, the pyramids of hierarchy/oppression, the pyramids of power and money, the pyramids on the backs of your money, and the stones you drag on your backs up the pyramids for your money.
Don't substitute or reform, abandon it all, just walk away.
In civilization, we are all cursed, no matter what color, age, or gender, no matter what government, religion, or country, no matter what point within the spectrum we align ourselves with. Until we abandon the vicious cycle of state-society and totalitarian agriculture, which began in the Fertile Crescent and spread across the planet, we won't find resolve.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:07 PM
I am from America...We Love all peoples regardless of race OR RELIGION. Yes we have a mighty fist... we will prevail against the ass holes of this world that think crashing airplanes and taking innocent lives is fun!...least when we attack we take care of those innocently caught in the crossfire. Our medical is the best in the world thanks to god almighty and WE americans pray for those with hatred in their hearts...I don't see other religions doing that. God Bless you and keep you...his is the SAME God we worship...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:09 PM
I found this blog through the article Kevin Sites did on you and some other bloggers....and you rock.
Love your work-kia kaha (stand strong). What you write is beautiful-thank you.
Lara (in New Zealand)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:23 PM
I'm glad your not afraid of the terrorists. It will be a less stressful for you when those barbarians sends an innocent loved one of yours to see Allah with a suicide bomber.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:02 PM
if only we all look within...
and just try...
for once...
try to understand
perhaps we shall
know the truth..
there is no terrorist..
the terror that resides in our hearts...
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:03 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:13 PM
You are a great poet and artist. You are also thoughtful and intelligent. We are the next generation that will decide the matters in the world. I trully hope that people like us will communicate more so that when it is our time to lead, we will make the right decisions and do so as brothers. . .
I was a US Marine Corps "Doc". I miss the days when the many in the world thought of us as their 'rescuers' in times of disaster and great need. I remember helping many and feeding thousands. . .
Most of us who are in Iraq and Afganistan are trying to do good. But in every group, there are always bad. We have certain leaders who should not be leaders and some soldiers who should be jailed criminals, you have misguided people and extremists who believe they are just in harming innocents.
These 'minorities' on both sides make the whole of us look bad to each other. Let's start talking with each other so we really know what is going on and that we are all 'children' of the same Allah (God).
God Bless and Keep You.
From an ex Marine "Doc" in the USA.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:57 PM
Well Sadam H. moved all his WMDs to Syria -- If the Syrian gov lets any of your nutcases get ahold of any of this stuff -- well we will probably hit the storage areas ... Then it will really be a living hell!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:03 PM
Dude, your blog is great. I like that so many Americans post their defenses of their country's foreign policy here. It just serves to underline how hollow it is in light of the situation on the ground. Sometimes one person's sxperience can change the perception of many. Salaam. Paix. Paz. Frieden. PEACE!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:09 PM
In response to the previous comment, @ 5:13pm by anonymous.
Honestly, your statement is in fact a shining example of the ignorance on Middle Eastern affairs, which is fueled by blind patriotism and myopia.
To understand the solution, we must understand the problem.
The question isnt whether or not the terrorists blow themselves up, but 'why'? Why would someone hate another so much, that they DEVOTE themselves including their own lives to killing them?
Even if i was jealous of your possessions, initially I wouldn't be motivated to kill you for them, so i think that comment does not suffice.
and in response to this comment posted @ 12.09pm "I am from America...We Love all peoples regardless of race OR RELIGION."
My friend,you obviously do not know the face of America underneath the veneer of freedom, pride and honor.
Because we still have a race problem (What was Katrina about?)
a disconnect between the rich and poor,the overrunning of our government by LOBBYISTS (Pharmaceutical companies, and Oil corporations) and (honestly) the taking over of OUR country by religious fanatics, who legislate taste and preference and use that to take away rights and freedoms.
(Abortion, The Terry Schiavo case, Wiretapping, Homeland Security)
"Does separation of church and state ring a bell?"
In closing, We need to honestly look at ourselves as we are, and not judge others,
even though i too believe that terrorism is wrong and that Islam has a problem, which is, it's translation to the modern world, where people all asteem to be equal in some form or another.
In the spirit of scripture
"Judge not,lest ye be judged."
besides Terrorism is not a country or a people, it is a tactic, and you cant destroy a tactic, So it will never die.
Posted by
Unknown |
8:18 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
Unknown |
8:18 PM
I applaud Alphaprimer for stating things as it is.
You did a great job with this entry. I will be back.
Posted by
Jade |
8:29 PM
Wow, a lot of arguing going on here. I am a jew and people tell me that I am your enemy and that you are mine. I hope that is not true. I hope that by having a conversation we can better understand that we are both just humans living on this planet, and that we must share it. I do not love the terrorists whether they come from my country or yours. I love those that work for peace.
Shalom and Salaam.
Posted by
dpaste |
8:30 PM
Your pictures reminded me some of the back-streets of Washington DC and Baltimore.
The only big difference is that instead of a big ditch running down the middle of the road, there are large "pot-holes" instead.
There are certain areas in the US where even the police fear to go.
Hell Indeed!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:35 PM
Well I'm not sure what to say other than other than i for one never hated any other race until I saw what Muslims did in the name of God.....now it sadens me but I have no compasion for the Middle East or its people or the followers of islam. Maybe when the 2 billion members of the so called "Peacefull" religion of Islam stan up as one and say, " here are the insugents and here are the terrorists and here are the evil doers in the neame of our religion..." I can them have some respect for any of you... but until then.....
As for the comment "what was Katrina about?" It was about a Hurricane and a large group of people who didnt bother to do for themselves but then cried foul when they were in trouble and blamed everyone but themselves.... do for yourself and you will always have what you need....
MAy the next 50 year war in the Middle East bring order to you " HELL"....
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:35 PM
Nice blog! A little tip on the English:
"I like all the farmers who do **there** best to earn there living" should be "their." The word "there" means a location or place. "Their" refers to a thing that a person has or possesses.
Keep up the good work :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:40 PM
I think in many ways you should be grateful not to be part of the ignorance that is prevalent here in the USA. television is bad for you, and to be parted from it is a blessing.
also know that there are people in america who are fed up as well. we as a whole do not decide what action this powerful army takes, nor do we decide who is in power. it is the elite, the super rich. they do not care for people, only money.
americans are fat and ignorant. that alone does not warrant death. our leaders decieve us into believing what we do is righteous and must be done. but few of us actually see the injustices this country does to others. i think i am one of those to see.
we need revolution.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:55 PM
INTERESTING POST, "Well I'm not sure what to say other than other than i for one never hated any other race until I saw what Muslims did in the name of God."
How can you take the moral high ground when you HATE someone else?
Why are you better than them? If we preach peace and benevolence, we assume equality.
I agree partly, with your comment on Katrina, however,i differ on a some points.
1) At some point in time, the government MUST step in and protect it's citizens. They waited at least 3 days and the world got to see how we (mis)treat our own.
2)Their is a double standard with poverty, because we want all impoverished to aspire to attain wealth,
but "One must have money, to make money" and once someone becomes educated, (if they can), there aren't many, if any jobs that propel them to the middle class like we all wish to believe. It's a Catch-22
An example being, an Ex-con just out of prison trying to change their life, would you offer them a job, knowing what they did?
Most republicans argue, "These poor people whine, and complain when they could just pull themselves up from their own bootstraps, like they should."
And obviously these individuals know little about being poor, about struggling, and about the impact on one's environment on their upbringing.
Drug dealers are like anyone else, living around and amongst poverty, so they do whatever they can to make money, and use what they know
to survive.
I used the drug dealer analogy
to compare them to the terrorists.
Thats what they do (Use what they can to survive) Blowing people up, makes other scared, so thats what they do. Thats why it's so effective.
To fight anything, you must understand it.
Analyze religion, realistically, it has always been spread by conquerers and foreign invaders (Africa, The Spanish Inquisition, The Phillipine Islands, AMERICA)
So in essence, people have fought and died in it's name for all of mankind's history on this planet.
Case in point, History is perpetuating itself, so one musn't HATE another person.
IF we feel like, our country is better than another (which is wrong in some aspects) we must act like it, in mind and body.
Posted by
Unknown |
9:10 PM
This post is really good. Coming from a third world country myself I udenrstand why there is so much violence in this places. There is really nothing to live for. There is nothing to go to. If you have a family, you can only dream of them going and do something better for their lifes. I don't think extremism, and killing inocent people is the answer; but, in these pictures, you can clearly see why the leaders of these groups find fertile ground for their ideology.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:12 PM
Alphaprimer- I am not taking the moral high ground....I hate feel hate tawards this race and religion....
Why havent 2 billion peaceful muslims done something about the evil hated face that is the worlds perception of Islam?
why arent 2 billions muslims pointing at every terrorist in iraq and Aphgnastan so we can all lvie together in peace?
Why beacuse they are not peaceful... thats what I beleive...
as for moral high ground isnt your Id a bit elitist?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:27 PM
LOL, ".I hate feel hate tawards this race and religion...."
But why Hate, Why not practice what GOD preaches, and that is Love?
Because true faith is tempered in the face of adversity.
I dont understand what you mean by this ,that I'am acting Elitist?, because if i was i would be saying,
what alot of other people are saying like,
"America is great, Fuck the Arabs!!!"
but im not, im presenting logical questions and explanations, if anything, im being an idealist
You bring a good point, on why shouldn't they respond somehow?
Ask the germans the same question, On how they feel about being German after what Hitler did?
It's ignorance and misinformation on both sides here.
Truthfully, I'am completely unsure how to answer you since i am neither impoverished nor middle eastern.
But from what i gather, They have been lumped together with the terrorists,
Immediately after 9-11 people have equated ISLAM with TERRORISM, and these group of people have been hated on, prejudged and otracized, and at times been the target for hate crimes as well.
When you hate on someone, they could scream at you all days about themselves and who they really are but you would tune them out.
just as was done to the African-Americans led on by slavery and justified by others through the use of certain bible scriptures.
I think terrorism is wrong, I'am not in support of any torture or any side here,
im simply asking all of you, what does it all really mean here, what are the ramifications?
Posted by
Unknown |
9:38 PM
IF the North Koreans were invading America and started occupying American soil.
Would you stay quiet and ignore whats going on, OR would you fight to the death to secure your way of life?
Thats the plight of the suicide bomber, of Al Qaida, and any other group in that region.
Posted by
Unknown |
9:48 PM
I tried to comment, but it didn't post! Are the comments to this thread closed?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:49 PM
I leave all of you with the sad fact that I have hate in my heart for the Muslim world. I am not proud of it but I share like many other have.
I have seen the video's of them cutting head off of a living man....a man who went to help people in the name of love... I have no compasion for any of you....
I have not seen 2 Billion Muslims stand up and act peaceful by denouncing the terrorist face of their religion.
I have seen death and destruction in the name of god...
I have seen our president and our fine boys trying to make a differance in a barbaric world...
I have not seen insurgents dragged thru the streets by angry parents who want more for their children....
Their words
"Islam is a peaceful religion"
Their actions...... nothing but I'm waiting....
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:04 PM
"Alphaprimer Wtote >>> Because we still have a race problem (What was Katrina about?)
a disconnect between the rich and poor,the overrunning of our government by LOBBYISTS (Pharmaceutical companies, and Oil corporations) and (honestly) the taking over of OUR country by religious fanatics, who legislate taste and preference and use that to take away rights and freedoms.
(Abortion, The Terry Schiavo case, Wiretapping, Homeland Security)"
Typical leftist drivel! We want our right to kill our unborn babies even in the 8th month of jestation!! The TS case-- there was a lot of talk about the fact that her husband may have put her in the coma in the first place! Wireless monitoring! Hey the NSA isn't interested if you're calling some chick 4 a date -- they have phone #s and lists from the terrorists and those they monitor! U lefties will bitch no matter what! If they do something over hear U will bitch about GWB not stopping it ahead of time -- but on the other hand you don't want him monitoring the terrorists!
Alphaprimer said>> ["besides Terrorism is not a country or a people, it is a tactic, and you cant destroy a tactic, So it will never die."] while this is a pretty accurate statement -- We can destroy the people that use it!
Alphaprimer said >>>>>>> ["IF the North Koreans were invading America and started occupying American soil.
Would you stay quiet and ignore whats going on, OR would you fight to the death to secure your way of life?
Thats the plight of the suicide bomber, of Al Qaida, and any other group in that region."]
Well Alpha and to all of you in the ME -- U should have really taken some action to control your nutcases before 9-11-01!
What the hell did you think that would get you????? Damn near the whole Midddle East was cheering and throwing candy they were so happy!!!! Well there's a saying -- "Be careful of what you sow for you might not like what you reap!"
Now what about all Sadam's WMDs being stored in Syria??????
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 PM
I won't respond to the many ridiculous things some of my fellow Americans have posted here. All I will say is that people who write angry screeds and then post anonymously are cowards.
Posted by
dpaste |
12:46 AM
David:Ron here from Kalifornia!! Now U know my name and I know yours! I posted the post just above your post! Never thought of sayin Hi I'm Ron! I also posted some more above quoting Alphaprimer!!
I just found this blog and I'm not an avid blogger. I don't want to register on every blog site I may surf!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:59 AM
some of you people really have your head up your butts. americans for the most part are religious extremeists...what you do don't believe in chirst? you are going to hell....blah blah blah.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:02 AM
Having served over in the middle east, I know with a small bit in my heart what the middle eastern people suffer. Things that Americans cannot understand, things they will never experience. A gunfight in the streets? A child carrying a weapon with his mother cheering him on? Those are things lived daily in the middle east and only sensationalized in the media here in America. So it's with sadness I read and understand "I love my hell".
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:17 AM
Your Katrina remark of the Government waiting 3 days is true but wrong. The only reason the Feds took 3 days was the ignorance of the local goverment to to lead. A knowledge of affairs would help you asthe President CAN NOT by law control the National Guard unless that power is assinged over by the Govenor which it was not untill after the Levies broke. You want the Government to act faster then have the Law changed were in states of Emergency they can do that. Lets not blame the Mayor and Govenor for not seeing the Evacuation as Manditory which it should have been way before the city flooded. Thier disaster plan was a good plan and called for those without transportation would be taken care of. Problem was the plan was not followed on the LOCAL level. I think the government did a great job in getting to the people considering that the power was not given to them till after the waters flowed. And as far as the poor, you can help yourself if you choose to. I went to a rough HS when i was young, i chose not to take school to serious and now with years of adult classes i do well. But there were many straight a students there, and many that droped out. Your life is in your hands how it turns out is a choice you make. As far as the extream islam. Have no use for it, the faster it is crushed the better. You can not respect those that pray on killing the innocent. Muslims need to stand up for what is right, a religion of peace that kills many will not get any support in the world from caring and compassionate people.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:51 AM
Dear All,
I swear that I am against terrorism, but what I wanted to say is:
"many of the Americans and other people around the world think that all Arabs (including Syrians) are terrorists, and What I wanted to say in this article, many of our people are poor, and 40% of these people are like the ones appear in the photos.
If westerners think that those people are terrorists, I gonna tell them that I love these people.
I love them even you afraid of them, but I am afraid for them, cause they are threatened, and they don't have there substantial needs.
And now the security council is threatening Syria with economical pressure, i.e and these people are the only ones who are going to be affected by that.
What a rebel !! I share with your enthusiasm.
Thanks for you comment, I was very pleased to read it :)
Especially Kia kaha ;)
I agree there's no terrorism, everything is planned in order to rule the world, and to rule the world's economy
Thank you for posting the US Marine Doc, I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for your complement, maybe our hotzone can melts the snow on Colorado mountains, and the grass and flowers will appear again :;)
@Anonymous !!
I won't reply all of them, but the media is announcing that WMDs (weapons of mass destruction )are in Syria now, and American are going to strike Syria and it's turning into hell soon!!
If you ask me do you have WMDs?, I'll tell I don't know!
Syrians don’t believe that we have such weapons and we believe that it's a media war against Syria.
If you think so, why don't you ban israel from having such weapons !!!?
Thanks for you feelings, I share these with you.
I was astonished to read your thoughts, surely we'll keep in touch
Terrorism is not a country or a people, it is a tactic, and you cant destroy a tactic, So it will never die.
My friend,you obviously do not know the face of America underneath the veneer of freedom, pride and honor.
Because we still have a race problem (What was Katrina about?)
Thanks jad, I agree with you.
You are welcome, I hope that you read my recent post.
We are not against jews, but you are against pigeons injuries
Thanks for giving me these information:
I couldn't read all of the comment, sorry … but I'll do it soon
Posted by
Majd Ayoubi |
3:41 PM
@ Ron, If I'am acting as a typical leftist,
as you say, then you are acting like a typical conservative, ATTACKING the PERSON instead of the IDEA,
With no disrespect i ask you to take a step back, and LISTEN to what im saying, instead of falling back on your own Self-Referenced Criterion and ethnocentrism, my friend.
Even though you dont agree on Abortion, what does that have to do with somebody else, that you have to legislate to basically LIMIT others' rights?
I think it's wrong, but ya know what, im not a woman, so who am i to say anything about giving birth, raising children, aborting or anything of the sort,? NOTHING.
Why are your opinions so important as to lump everyone into "Us or them" categories?,
Which is a problem, in and of itself.
in reaction to your comment, "Well Alpha and to all of you in the ME -- U should have really taken some action to control your nutcases before 9-11-01!"
That's funny because when was the last time you fought a TANK with a ROCK!!!???
Their are poor people everywhere, nut cases everywhere and out of control maniacs everywhere too.
With no disrespect, i can call you out on your ignorance on Hurricane Katrina and how it has affected those people, because if you did you wouldn't sweep all of those "poor, lazy people" under the rug.
Ive talked to friends over there who have lost everything, can YOU relate to that?
Old people got displaced, infants, and everyone in between, so its not as you would think.
Why are ideas more important than people now-a-days?
I feel like you speak about christianity but do not know what it is,
and if you hold yourself to a "self-imposed" better standard than others( you included Hate in a couple of your posts), than why judge them because it goes against what your religion says?
Killing is wrong, beheadings are wrong, Terrorism is dispicable, so
why do people think we can stop the killers if we keep killing them,? lol thats ironic, because thats the same mentality that lost us in Vietnam.
The problem isnt who blew themselves up, but WHY? i think thats important too, just as WHY IRAQ?
You dont fight fire, with fire.
You can't hate while attempting to stop others who hate you.
To Ben, I agree with you almost completely on your post about Katrina.
But let me add some more points, Everyone dropped the ball I think, it should have been declared a national emergency immediately.
Somebody should have watched THE WEATHER CHANNEL, and seen a big shit storm coming towards the Gulf of Mexico,
And BTW, when New York was attacked it was acted on immediately, i know others will say "BUT WE WERE ATTACKED!!!!" which is true, the case being,
both cities faced a catastrophe with worldwide implications, and only one city was acted on with furious persistence.
When the Tsunami hit, we donated millions of dollars instanteously, but when a hurricane dumped crap all over the French Quarter, we forgot about the FRENCH.
Final note, to RON, i understand what you intentions are and i respect them, but i think there draws a line between experience, and ideas.
When you experience poverty and the like, you never forget that.
Experience the world, because Europe and the ME aren't a theme park called EURO AMERICA.
People are different, the world is a matter of opinion and perspectively, realistically.
Posted by
Unknown |
5:09 PM
BTW RON, one of the sad things about religion that others fail to discuss, is how it is often morphed into whatever people want, to justify anything.
A person can almost get away with anything, if they say, it was in the name of their religion.
Polygamy, The magical underpants from the Church of LDS, Not allowing women priests.
come on, we all know that it's true. and we mostly follow it, in our religion because its OUR religion.
lastly, seeing the pictures posted, you see why people would have nothing to die for because they have NOTHING to love for.
Posted by
Unknown |
5:26 PM
Someone form the middle ease please answer......
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:24 PM
Some think that because some lunatic is willing to blow himself up to prove something shows how much hate they have for Americans.
It only shows how good some Extremist muslim leaders are at brainwashing the weakest minds. And it seemd weak minds run rampant in the middle east.
Besides being brainwashed they are also cowards to fight that way. We are not afraid! If the complete destruction on a country(afganistan) in one month and take over of another country(iraq) isnt enough to change the bombers minds then keep'em coming. We'll take your country too. Then you'll be fucking ordering McDonalds in your shit hole country because we will own it. I use to pity your sorry asses because our government can be very intrusive and a bully but you guys are weak minded brain washed extremist idiots.
I will go on the rest of my life not really giving a shit about your sorry ass countries but you will continue to worry the rest of your life...how shitty your life is. Well im done, Im going to go work on my Infinity G35. I just put twin turbos on it.
See i have more to my life than you... I have freedom. The envy of all you assholes!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:53 PM
Jihad isn't Islam, its a fundamentalistic perversion of ISLAM, and of which, it doesn't say anywhere in the KORAN that it's ok to blow others up.
People are weak-minded because they have nothing, are broke and live in hell (literally)
Think about how Hitler came into power, The world shamed the Germans for starting WW1, and were one of the world's most hated people, so their spirits were broken.
Then Hitler came along, with some good old pride, and nationalism, got the German people on his side, and after that, he exercised his evils across the world.
If you ask why dont the 2 billion people fight back,
well have you ever seen the HBO documentary : "Terror in Moscow"?,
on the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002 or so, in which a couple of Chechen terrorists took a whole auditorium hostage with over 700 people inside,
When they asked people, "Why didnt you fight back, there were clearly more of you than them?""
And the person basically said (para-phrasing) "The spirit of the people had been broken, and the will to fight died."
Lastly, its funny how people think the terrorists are cowards,
because I cant remember of anyone so insane as to kill themselves, just to make sure the other person is dead.
Thats not cowardly, who among us would do that? Could you?
Its a very powerful message , one that can't be downplayed at all.
I expect to be criticized and be considered anti-american, but in defense of myself I say,
If UNDERSTANDING the WORLD and not simply what it looks like from my back yard is wrong,
than i devote myself to understanding the truth around me.
We need to get over ourselves, the world doesn't revolve around US.
Posted by
Unknown |
8:15 PM
700 in a confined space is not 2 billion many of which are powerfull independent countries...
Muslims are not peaceful. Islam is not peaceful. Look at Iran's president. Islam is a joke a false religion...If not prove me wrong stand up and deliver a terrorist to a UN Security force today.!!!
If not live your lies of peace and false idols....Syria called today to punish the EU press for publishing cartoons fo relgious idols....what a midevil attitude to have...very sad indeed. Work with the UN and the United states to bring democracy to Iraq and freedom of religion where men and women are equal and everyone has a chance to break free of your hell or support your insurgents with your silence and perish wiht the rest...its your choice.....
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:19 PM
@anonymous, "Muslims are not peaceful. Islam is not peaceful."
How can you comment on something you don't know anything about?, next your gonna tell me, the closest youve ever been to arabic speaking people,are the ones you've seen on Al Jazeera.
Look past your cultural, national, and political conditioning, of which, we all have.
"Look at Iran's president. Islam is a joke a false religion...If not prove me wrong stand up and deliver a terrorist to a UN Security force today.!!!"
The country is run by its religion, its social values are mandated by law and originate through the religion,so of course, so of course it's going to be bonkers, i wouldnt enjoy that.
let's speak on the nature of religion in general and not on ISLAM,
It's a tool to condition others to believe and follow the "truth", of which, the "truth" is a pathless land. so the social pursuit of truth is a flawed concept.
i want to see you fight terrorism, when your a civilian, an impoverished peasant, i bet you would back down if you had a .45 in your mouth. :D
Lastly, why worry about bringing equality to Iraq and bring some to America?, women are still paid disproportionate to men. Let's worry about our issues first.
I dont mean to demean you, but it seems like you've never seen the world, and been out there on the ground.
Posted by
Unknown |
10:00 PM
I deeply respect alpha primer's original views. for someone who isn't Middle Eastern I find that amazing how alpha is so informed about a culture that is foriegn to his own.We should all be more like that. I believe that one can't appreciate one's culture fully until you understand another's culture.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:59 PM
But I have seen the world and I was born blue collar socialist liberal. Now I am Neocon to the core.
Your comment about backing down with a .45 pointed at you is valid unless you consider 2 billion vs. 30-40 thousand that put an evil face on Islam.
2 billion Muslims are leting less than 1% represent them in an evil light.....well they are just as bad as the 1%....I say again the religion is false and shallow because of this...little children with chocolate all over their faces who say "Im a good kid I didnt steal the candy"
Its all bullshit. Stand up and show the world your religion is peaceful and you want to play nice, if not, we will handle it for you...and we are.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:01 PM
"I say again the religion is false and shallow because of this" interesting point you took,
With regards to that statement I assume you would decree, all other religions are bullshit except your own right?
Well I say, all religions are in, and of themselves partially bullshit,
SPIRITUALITY is something totally different, it doesnt revolve around customs, rituals, superstitions, traditions, and archaic beliefs.
The heart of spirirituality is the benevolence, that which is at the heart of christianity and Jesus' preaching, which im assuming you believe in as well.
Practice christianity, and dont use it for YOUR means as well
(Stem Cell Research,
Intelligent design (hmm: science is too secular, now we need to introduce faith into that as well) and the ubsurd supposed "War on Christmas" (reference to Bill O'Reilly)
Lastly, After all of the things we have discussed you fall back on your same question, about why dont they stand up and fight against the terrorists?
HOW CAN THEY?, explain that to me,
And time and time again i have given you propositions, examples in history, analogies, and the like, and you fall deaf again.
Would you walk up to every person you know and say, "Hi, I'm not Gay.. Just thought you wanted to know"?, for one thing it makes you look odd, and another it doesnt really solve anything.
From what i gather alot from reading this blog and on the Americans are not really into the mindset of questioning themselves and their beliefs,
If you ever watched the television show "30 days", by Morgan Spurlock, on FX,
they had an episode of an average conservative white male, who spent 30 days living with a muslim family, he prayed with them, ate what they did and all the like
Eventually, he wore their clothing, and AMERICANS were discriminatory to him, gave him evil looks, stared at him, and clearly were prejudicial against him, AND HE WAS WHITE.
Honestly, i feel like alot of AMERICANS who preach on freedom, and reside on pride, clearly dont understand the equality that they speak of
It's a contradiction. And again clearly, IGNORANCE by these peoples combined with their ethnocentric attitudes.
Why would you listen to someone, if you HATE them? Why would you believe them, you would just lump them all in, and truly be the racists that we are turning out to be.
Posted by
Unknown |
2:02 AM
Lastly, After all of the things we have discussed you fall back on your same question, about why dont they stand up and fight against the terrorists?
HOW CAN THEY?, explain that to me,
This is typical victim liberal ideology....its sickening Alphaprimer.....
They stand up with rocks and fists and they tell those who can help..they say " I dont want to be killed or live in fear of your terror" They like many before them stand up and say " you dont represent me, you dont represent my god and my beliefs.." "I belive in a better world....."
Examples of many weak deafeating a few strong are everywhere in human history and play out everyday... even in nature; a colony of ants can kill a horse that stand over the nest...
Alphaprimer you are also disregarding that there are powerful muslim countries that have done nothing to speak out...they mumble and him and haw....powerful leaders and clerics that say very little. Every night they should be on the news like Iran's president preaching peace and love in the name of Islam but they don't......
Again I say....if Islam is Peaceful then show the world that its 2 billion members won't tolerate the violence that a few do in their religions name.
As for my religion, I am as you say spiritual not religious....I belive in god and natural order...thats it....I have no use for organized religion of human creation...nore its hypocrasy
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:17 PM
the leftist comment again? come on now. Some people fight with rocks but ya know what, their enemy has tanks, and bulldozers and DESTROY their homes.
Again you ask why not fight, I understand, but think about slavery in America in our past, the slaves for the most part didnt fight because that meant death and a very evil and tortureous death at that.
You know you would be whipped, castrated, hung and drug in the streets if you opposed the slave master,
would you go through that?
would you want that? would you die for your freedom like that?
I can't speak for these countries because Im not a citizen nor do i claim to know much about Saudi Arabian foreign and monetary policy or whatever,
But honestly, Why do you care about those other countries anyway?
You hate them remember? Your American, fuck the rest, right?,
what good is if they say they are peaceful individuals and you see terrorists still killing civilians, your still not going to listen to them and thats the truth !!!
It's crazy, You speak from a position of not interacting with these people, not talking to people who have EXPERIENCED what we are
talking about.
Speaking to troops who have seen HELL,
Families from Pakistan and Kurdistan who fled their countries,have seen their cultures,
know more about being an American by understanding another's plight?
Do you know what racism feels like?
Have you felt poverty?
Were you born in a crackhouse and know what it means to give up on yourself, and would rather die?
People like Majd, who is IN Syria, know more about what freedom should be, than we know what freedom is.
Honestly, Your words, your attitudes represent the new face of America abroad, and it's shaming the legacy of civil rights that America was founded on.
Your not going to change, you've asked me the same question at least 5 ways.
Your not religious and yet you stick to another personality cult (the NEOCONs)
And every single one of these individuals on this blog from foreign countries can see the kind of people we are becoming.
Think beyond yourself, on a macro level. Listen to different opinions than your own, and know what you really stand for.
Prejudice, Ostracism, Ignorance and Nationalism.
Posted by
Unknown |
9:16 PM
What are you about, ask youself that.
Excerpt from "Freedom from the known" by Jiddu Krishnamurti
"When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent.
Do you see why it is violent?
Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind.
When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds, violence.
So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system;
he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind."
so again i ask, whats everyone's point of being on this blog and presenting our views?
Posted by
Unknown |
10:00 PM
PARIS (Reuters) - An international row over newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad gathered pace on Thursday as more European dailies printed controversial Danish caricatures and Muslims increased pressure to stop them.
Muslim hypocrasy is mind blowing.....a few radical muslims can put a terrorist face on a 2 billion member religion but a cartoon inspires outrage...
P A T H E T I C !!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:31 PM
the leftist comment again? come on now. Some people fight with rocks but ya know what, their enemy has tanks, and bulldozers and DESTROY their homes.
I have proposed to you that there are not only poor people but rich powerfull muslim countries with influence that are silent yet you neglect to respond to that.
Speaking to troops who have seen HELL,
My brother has served two tours....we have spoken many many times about it....
Honestly, Your words, your attitudes represent the new face of America abroad, and it's shaming the legacy of civil rights that America was founded on.
Shame is propelling a criminal like Mike King to Leader status...you will see the truth in 2027
Your not going to change, you've asked me the same question at least 5 ways.
Yet you fail to answer and continue to beat around the bush with a holier than you enlightened stance....i find it annoying and an attemtpt to sidestep what you cannot answer....
I have also asked a muslim to reply ...again silence.
And every single one of these individuals on this blog from foreign countries can see the kind of people we are becoming.
Good ........ diversity is a failed experiment....liberalism is the minority...
Think beyond yourself, on a macro level. Listen to different opinions than your own, and know what you really stand for.
I do all of those things.
Prejudice, Ostracism, Ignorance and Nationalism.
More labels when you yourself criticise me for labeling myself....
You dont know me you have only a small view of what i think on this topic....
A thought for you...
if every time a drug dealer were arrested in front of the house of and innocent home owner, that home was taken by the police, people and neighbors would not allow drug dealers to stand in fornt of their houses.....they would do something....
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:47 PM
One never understands another till they open their hearts. Terrorists are created, not born. It’s not one specific country or race that gives way to these people. I have had the pleasure of being in the United States Air Force Military. I have seen the world and am proud to be an American, but at the same time I can recognize we are not perfect no country is. I enjoyed reading your blogg. It gives me hope that there are truly people out there who see that the world is imperfect yet there is still beauty. I thank my Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ everyday for his Gift, but at the same time I don't expect others to believe the same way. Keep your head up and keep soaring free. May God Bless and keep you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:21 PM
First of all to the anonymous person who said that Katrina was about a hurricane...blah, blah, blah.....
Katrina was more than a hurricane, it was the culmination of everything that is wrong with America. The people who couldnt get out were too poor to leave, didnt have the resources, etc. This could be a long conversation that we dont need to start here so I will leave you with this....
If you didnt believe that your voice made a difference you wouldnt speak up either. Maybe these people didnt vote the right people into government to handle a thing like that. Maybe the majority of them didnt vote once in their lives. Why would they vote for someone who never gave them a chance at a decent life with the best education from the very begining to instill some pride?
As for Majd....I love your poetry. We may never agree on what should be done or how to do it, but there is one thing I think we both cherish greatly and that is the ability to choose something. It is a great thing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:52 AM
I would love to say that in America all people are loved no matter what but that would be alie, just like the ones that some of my fellow Americans have told. I am a Christian as well and I would like to think that there is equal treatment for me as well bu there isnt. I am called an extremist when I dont want to see halloween decorations but during Christmas I cannot hang a tree or a cross as a display in my workplace.
The fact of the matter is this....America is the same as ever other place on earth except for the fact that we can disagree openly. I still love America. Even though my Native American grandmother had to lose half her family to reservations just so they could preserve their culture. Even though my family members had to go to jail for no reason because they didnt want to ride on the back of a bus, even though they picked cotton for pennies, even though many couldnt read, even though they were "owned" by other people, even though they couldnt vote, or eat where they wanted. Even though to this day my socirty doesnt send the best, freshest fruits and vegetables to my grocery store at decent prices and now more than half of my family is obese because the cheap food is the worst for them.
And I think that is what Majd was trying to say about his Syria. Even though all of these bad things are there he still loves it. What is wrong with that?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:05 AM
@ wonderful post @ 1.15 by anonymous i agree with ya 100 percent of the way.
To Ron, man, i told you before I don't know much about the powerful muslim nations that say nothing, so I DONT SPEAK ON THAT.
Who is Mike King?
As you have said Ive taken a Holier-than-though position, if i did, thats not my intention.
Your comment about me, sidestepping over your questions? Well check the previous posts man, ive answered them all, and then some.
"diversity is a failed experiment" thats a crazy statement, Man you say some off-the-wall stuff sometimes i have to say.
"You dont know me you have only a small view of what i think on this topic...."
well i go off of what you say, and you've DANCED around the same topics as well. Your not giving me much to work with except, that you hate Muslims, that your a strict NEOCON from California, and have asked this question for a while now "Why dont they fight back?" lol.
I agree partially with your remarks on drug dealers, but thats a ficticious analogy,
and not everyone would have the courage to fight a junkie.
Most neighbors have families and all that. So one of their priorities would be to protect the family as well. Crackheads would do anything for a fix, man ive seen it, it's scary.
Posted by
Unknown |
2:18 AM
BTW Ron, if you want to understand the mind of the terrorist you
should watch the movie, "Red Dawn" (1984) w/ Patrick Swayze,
where the Russians parachuted into Colorado and started taking over the country, and the local high school kids turned into guerilla fighters, and started fighting back and blowing them up.
Now imagine, the U.S. as the Russians and Al Qaida as the guerillas and you will see it from a different angle.
Posted by
Unknown |
2:23 AM
Alpha- we just have to dissagree... I am called a Neocon because thats what left wing folk have called me but I am more than that. I struggle every day with my hate for muslims who claim pace but accept violence....Mike king is aka Martin Luher King - a whoring, racist, woman beater that I think is just a pawn in a game....I say Diversity is a failed experiment...simply most people dont want it....I've observed this...that doesnt mean everyone should'nt have equal rights and be free...it means for the most part that people stick to their own cultures Irish in boston, Italians in new york etc........The one thing I have learned is that 1 on 1 I like most people doesn't matter what there skin color language or religion....but this changes when you have groups that scorn others who are differant....Compton in Ca for example....ever been there? I have...It's a frightening place.... I wish well on all those who suffer in this world.
Katrina was a storm....no more no less
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:48 PM
Yeah i agree with ya, i would shake your hand if i could, we have some interesting views on what we've seen.
About going to Compton, yeah ive been there several times, My Great-Aunt lived in Watts, so yeah i agree with ya that place is NO JOKE !!!
She lived across the street from Section 8.
I agree mostly with your ideas on diversity, but as ive seen while being involved in a group study in psychology, that in-group and out-group bias exist and eventually cause you to look at your group better, and another group worse.
Anyway, take care man.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:17 PM
Hey, I found out about this blog from Kevin's site, its better amazing what you have here. All the pictures, Its nice to know that you love your country to matter what, Same here.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:57 AM
I am amazed at people who spew their hate rhetoric and proclaim how brave they are, then hide behind an anonymous mask. Not even able to put in a fake identity. That one act in its self speaks volumes.
To the guy that feels hate toward all Muslims because a few flew planes into the WTC. Have you heard why their leader says that he did this?
Here is an excerpt from BL speech to America:
"The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorized and displaced.
I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.
The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn't include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn't respond.
" and the link if you would like to read the whole speech. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/79C6AF22-98FB-4A1C-B21F-2BC36E87F61F.htm
Did you notice that he used the term "terrorized" speaking on our actions.
Seems he acted out of hate too. So, hate breads hate.
You can not get rid of evil with more evil, and darkness never leaves until the light is turned on.
I write poetry. I feel this is an appropriate poem for this thread.
True Power
Hate from a small group could bring about
the destruction of civilization.
What defenses do we humans construct
to keep from feeling compassion?
Does mankind pervert truth so much, to allow beliefs
that violence is of God.
When the very essence of God is love.
Do we fear love?
Is violence an attempt to protect hearts from love?
Is hate easier to handle?
Man feels power when he dominates another.
Is this power?
Or fear?
Fear has torment.
True power;
allows hearts the vulnerability to feel compassion and love.
Then to act on it.
Few men truly do.
I am humbled.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:09 PM
Thank you very much Dorothy, your comments are refreshing, on point and very intelligent.
Posted by
Unknown |
8:26 PM
Dorothy - Thru out history both Isrelites and Muslims have occupied the holy land....
Why should only muslims or only Isrealies have it? If the speaker is so enlightened then why doesn't he recognize this?
Also I ask why isn't he denouncing terrorism and promoting peaceful resolution...after all isnt Islam all about peace?
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:42 PM
Anonymous, I never said that one person over another should have anything. I am not sure how your questions relates to my post but here is my response.
I do not claim to have all the answers to the worlds problems. I do know one thing for certain. If we continue down the path we are on, we will destroy each other. There is no question about it. There are plenty of WMD to destroy the world many times over. I am not certain but quite sure that America has most of them and we have used them.
I take it that by "the speaker" you mean Osama bin Ladin. Do you know who he is? Why doesn't he recognize what? That Jews and Muslims can share the land? Honestly I don't know what his feelings are about that. To understand what someone is talking about it is a good idea not to add things that are not there. In my opinion, if he were enlightened (your terminology) he would find a peaceful solution to make his point.
Islam is a religion just like Christianity is a religion. You can look at the people that practice Christianity to understand any religion a bit better.
I consider myself a Christian because I believe in the teachings of Jesus. Which in a nut shell are based on love.
Love your enemy as yourself.
Turn the cheek.
Do good to those who hate you.
Feed the poor.
But Christianity has many different denominations. From the very extreme to the very liberal. Would you judge all Christians by David Koresh? Or what about the Amish, do they represent all Christians? And what about our president, he claims to be a Christian but which God was he listening to that told him to bomb Iraq? Definitely not Jesus. The bible says that if a mans ways please the lord he makes even his enemy's to be at peace with him.
I hope this gives you some insight into religion. It is my opinion that religion is of man and mans way of trying to explain something that we don't understand.
I believe that there is one God and we are all the children of God.
Put your prejudice aside for a moment, put your nationality aside, your religion aside, your gender aside and look at your feelings. You are capable of feeling pain, sorrow, hunger, joy, peace, love, fear. Now put yourself in the middle of Iraq, with the people you love, and feel what they are feeling.
A Poem - Untitled
Another bomb explodes in the name of peace.
Another child dies to protect our liberty.
And the dove weeps.
The dove weeps.
War brings peace
Just as dark gives sight.
The story of backwardness, seen in the night.
And the dove weeps
The word of God falls on ears that can't hear.
Because of hearts that are bound by fear.
So we ignore what he has to say.
And with great resolve;
we keep it this way.
As the dove weeps
No matter which religion you are fighting for.
No matter which cause has your rapport.
Take your claim, call it by name.
Killing is murder and murder is WAR.
Turn your head, close your eyes.
FOR You, are it's whore.
The child lay in the street.
No shoes on his feet.
A little dove.
Stained with his own blood.
What he needed.......... was love.
"Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS:
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:42 AM
Anonymous - You have an opportunity here to know Majd from Syria. Someone from what I have read seems like a really great person. Yet you come into his space with your sword drawn ready for battle when he is offering peace.
I sure hope that people don't judge me as an American by you.
Alphaprimer, I noticed that you have been called a leftest. Thank God for people on the left, people with a social conscious, people who can articulate with some reason, people who think.
What if we divided the world in two and put people who think like the left on one half and people who think like the right on the other.
The right half would war with each other trying to make each other think, act and believe the way that they do. They would strive for dominance, wealth, and power.
The left half would relish the differences and try to live in harmony with the environment and each other. They would create poetry, music, and art, and dance in the streets.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:36 AM
Dorothy - I praise you compassion and your poems are beautiful but i am left with a heavy heart. I have asked for a response from any and all Muslims to a very simple question/statement. The recent world events just further my own beliefs about Islam.
Right now all over the world people - Mulsims followers of islam are protesting cartoons of Mohamoud. These images were printed along with cartoons of christ and budha and others....
WHy do Muslims who claim to be of a peaceful religion protest violently yet refrain from any prostest at the violence and terrorism done in the name of Islam. It just doesnt make sense.... peaceful peoples around the world do not kill those who come to their country to help the citizens. (beheadings of americans)
Peaceful people recognize friend and enemy even though they may look similair.
I have asked these questions to the world including Madj yet they dont answer and it just reinforces what appears to be true... islam is not peacefull.
Someone said thank god for the leftwing folks....well im pretty right wing and I have compassion. some of my other posts will tell you more.
My sword is drawn becuae i belive that islam is playinh us for a fool. they claim peace yet support terror even Madj said he love the torrorist we are suppose to fear....Madj is that love and peace in the name of god or allah?
America has gone to Iraq and is trying to say " we have taken away your dictator, we will give you all a fair say in you country and your lives, then we will go and you can govern your selves...yet they bicker and fight and fight us..." We are there to give them a better life yet they kill us and each other....make sense Dorothy? no not really.... a loving people would say thankyou for removing our tyrant we will rebuild together in the name of god....
they just kill and kill and kill some more.
Irans president calls for our death and isreals death..... is this the love os Islam. HA!!!
they want nuclear technology....
give a guy wwho told you he wants to kill you and your friend a bat and let him stand behind you he jsut wants to play ball...
I would lvoe nothing more than to give madj and his freinds and loved ones freedom of choice religion anything.....but those who have that cahnce in the middle east just keep ignoring it and killing....
my sword is drawn becasue the dog has bitten over and over again so i requst one thing before i Sheath my sword.
why does islam claim peace yet accept terror as the face of their religion....? give me a answer and i can move forward to heal my heart i fear there is no answer its a lie......
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:30 PM
Ron, I know for a fact that you didnt even think ONCE about muslims and ISLAM 5 years ago, so why now, do you feel OBLIGATED to bring peace there? Is it because our government tells US that we care about them?,
what about the AIDS virus in AFRICA? We don't help them, because theres no money in that.
WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THESE PEOPLE? Why must you decide how they shall live?
ask yourself that one.
Not to mention, you cant juggle compassion on one hand and hatred on the other,
This whole issue about ISLAM and about fundamentalism is just about politics, no more no less, on both sides its about appearances and meaning.
NATO and the U.S. have bombed that region for decades, and when a person there sees that, it would make them a LITTLE enraged,
JIHAD IS NOT ISLAM, its a perversion of ISLAM, so your comparisons to terrorism and Islam are without complete impartiality and fact.
Why dont they fight, ive answered you before, the PEOPLE are poor, and they dont hate the terrorists they see them as patriots fighting off an aggressor, and its true in that sense. This is an economic situation.
Ordinary people fear and dislike the terrorists but they wont go to extreme lengths to MURDER all of them, that region is hell.
And the rich Islamic nations who do nothing, dont do anything because they see it as an ATTACK ON ISLAM, which in some aspects IS TRUE.
Iran has nuclear weapons but gave them the materials and knowledge on how to make them? the AMERICANS GAVE THEM THE PLANS ON HOW TO MAKE.!!!
lets say this is pre-1776 America, and you were first generation American, a farmer, would you fight against the British (someone telling you how to live, how to pray etc), or against your own people, who you see as freedom fighters?
@ Dorothy, ive asked the same questions to him about pushing past all of our bias -- be it, cultural, political, national -- and it goes unheard.
Majd, didnt say directly that he loved the terrorists, he was saying he loved his PEOPLE, even though he is AFRAID of them.
Ron, you must admit that BELIEF kills people in this world everyday, and it always has. Even yours.
I understand what your getting at, but regardless of all the things we discuss on this blog,
Check your history, compare some facts, talk to actual people who are from the region.
I have, they deplore what the terrorists are doing, but they are individuals, same as you.
dont base your opinions on opinions and nationalism.
Posted by
Unknown |
9:53 PM
what about the hundreds of millions of dollars that is "LOST" in IRAQ? or the no bid contracts to Halliburton?,
you dont acknowledge that when i speak on it, but you do talk about FREEDOM and peace,
this is the truth about freedom,
the truth about peace is,
Posted by
Unknown |
10:04 PM
Ignorance breeds contempt. Though the main question who is being ignorant here? Dorothy your poems are beautiful. It brings full circle to the pain all around the world. There is no perfect country I repeat no PERFECT country. This is not an attack only a lost voice trying to understand. When a war causing death ,violence or pain there is never any winners, but then again what war hasn't? I've read this gentleman post and all he's trying to do is share his world. Share what he sees, his pain, his hopes, his fears. I congratulate him. There is no peace with out there first step and the first step is admitting no-one is right that there are problems on both side to be work out. Is peace possible I would love to think so, but not if no-one can stand up and be unafraid say I’m sorry.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:38 PM
I love all of the mentioned terrorists; whom many of the western people afraid of, and I am afraid for.
Im afraid my friends that most of your comments are emotional not rational.... I have asked fundamental questions of Madj and his folk....they dont answer.
Others have given related explanations around and sort of like the topic but fail to really answer. The fact is you dont have answers for the basic questions thus the rest falls apart.
The liberal love and fix everything accept it as it is, diversity will prevail model is failing.... Im sorry for all of you who dont see this for what it is...Im sorry you give labels like right wing and neocon and racist and bigot....labels that have nothing to do with conclusions drawn by facts...
how long will you you call it anything but what it is?
if it walk like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck no matter haow much you dont want it to be a duck....it is...
peace everyone.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:05 AM
what about the hundreds of millions of dollars that is "LOST" in IRAQ? or the no bid contracts to Halliburton?,
please...what about it? I dont see it as money lost.
as for no bid haliburton.. pelase list one other comapany that can do what they do. There are non but I encourage you to do the reseach....also before you say blood for oil....show me the oil...i can show you $67 a arrel in the pockets of rich middle eastern countries....showm me free oil...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:08 AM
Anonymous - I think the problem is that you do not hear the answers not that people are not answering you. Have you heard it said having ears but cant hear and eyes but cant see.
You are looking for a black and white answer. There isn't one.
You are correct in seeing people who claim they are Muslims doing some horrible things. We all see these things.
But you some how miss seeing the horrible things that Americans are doing.
It is also correct that there are people who claim they are Christians who are doing horrible things. Wasn't it Christians who burnt women at the steak calling them witches because they could swim.
One of the most well known Christians was name Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler, in his speech on 12 April 1922 - My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.......
hmmmm, would he be a good representation of Christianity?
Good communication is not just listening. It is understanding what someone is saying the way they meant it to be understood.
I read two different post where people understood what Majd said to be different than what you are understanding. I agree with their understanding. What I am hearing him say is that he loves the people that are in his neighborhood and we (Americans) see these people as terrorist.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:34 AM
Adolf Hitler, in his speech on 12 April 1922 - My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.......
You make my point for me!!!!!! I love you!!!!
Yes Hitler did these things and you know what? Christians arpoound the world denouced his actions and the majority of the Christian world fought against him.....
The muslim world say
N O T H I N G !!!!!!
Thank you for making my point for me...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:00 PM
I read two different post where people understood what Majd said to be different than what you are understanding. I agree with their understanding. What I am hearing him say is that he loves the people that are in his neighborhood and we (Americans) see these people as terrorist.
Oh Dorothy your naiveté is staggering... do I have to quote him word for word? yes he says he loves his people and he loves his farmers and he loves the children and he loves his TERRORISTS!!!!!
"I love all of the mentioned terrorists; whom many of the western people afraid of, and I am afraid for."
If he did not qualify all those he loves before saying terrorists, yeah I would agree with you completely.... but the people places and things he lists are very specific.
MADJ please I am humble before you please clarify your statement.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:10 PM
The more i re-read your posts the more i am compelled to respond..
But you some how miss seeing the horrible things that Americans are doing.
I never said we have not doen horrible things....I do not see the war in Iraq or Afganistan as horrible.... not one bit....
one example of significant differance is the military strike vs. the IED.... the IED goes off and kills everything with no care for who civilians crwoded market place etc...... the military strike is planned and exacuted to prevent as much collateral damage as possible.... very differant approaches. there have been hundreds of examples of our boys retreating from fire in crowded markets rather than kill civilians....do the muslims have that same consideration for even their own people? ...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:18 PM
RON, i never said blood for oil, btw so i dont know where you got that from
HALLIBURTON- They are given favoritism over other organziations by the White house because they dont have to compete for the contract, meaning they can mismanage and misrepresent the situation without accountability.
The LOST millions of dollars- Thats your tax payer money, just "GONE", pretty much given to those countries that are "rebuilding" Iraq; more like dividing it up.
You say no one has answer for why dont they fight to proclaim Islam as peaceful,
Well you cant answer my questions either like:
"why now, do you feel OBLIGATED to bring peace there?"
"WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THESE PEOPLE? Why must you decide how they shall live?"
Since I'm a leftist (supposedly) then your a neocon, and it's apparent that while others on this blog, answer questions and respond accordingly,
you glaze over most of what is said and go back on your original points, without once considering what is being said.
You want to be seen as separate from the labels but you proclaim the same arguments, which gives us not much to work with.
Your confused with who you are and what your saying, my friend.
"The one thing I have learned is that 1 on 1 I like most people doesn't matter what there skin color language or religion....but this changes when you have groups that scorn others who are differant" - Your doing the same thing.
"Well I'm not sure what to say other than other than i for one never hated any other race until I saw what Muslims did in the name of God.....now it sadens me but I have no compasion for the Middle East or its people or the followers of islam" - You hate them and have NO COMPASSION.
"Someone said thank god for the leftwing folks....well im pretty right wing and I have compassion. some of my other posts will tell you more." - You dont know what your talking about, CONTRADICTION.
"I say Diversity is a failed experiment...simply most people dont want it" - You obviously dont know anything about anyone OUTSIDE of your race, your gender, and your culture.
" Work with the UN and the United states to bring democracy to Iraq and freedom of religion where men and women are equal and everyone has a chance to break free of your hell" -
Thats not why we are in IRAQ,
Why do you care about Iraqis anyway, answer me that? Not everyone can break free from their hell in America, you dont know crap about extreme poverty.
You have to have money to make money in America.
"Muslims are not peaceful. Islam is not peaceful. Look at Iran's president. Islam is a joke a false religion..." - Wheres your compassion, when you mock someone else's belief?
Your driven by your FAITH, which clouds your judgement so how are you thinking logically?
You want to not be a label, then THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:33 PM
Whats "the military strike vs. the IED"?
"Yes Hitler did these things and you know what? Christians arpoound the world denouced his actions and the majority of the Christian world fought against him....."
They didnt denounce him, they fought him because he was gonna take over the world, Our stance on Germany had nothing to do with religion in that regard. So what are you talking about?
If your talking about using religion to fund their fights, well we are doing the same thing. "WE'RE AMERICAN, WE'RE HERE TO SPREAD FREEDOM TO THESE UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE" come on, more rhetoric to chew on.
They made the same argument to justify the persecution of the native americans, and the slaves.
How isnt the war in IRAQ not horrible? You cant even tell me why we are there. We dont want freedom for them.
Sadaam wanted to unite the Arab region in the 70s and the US and UK didnt want that,
and the US supported him to combat against Khomeini, because they thought Sadaam was the lesser of two evils, so they gave him weapons, WMD blueprints, the works. Anything to keep him happy, now look at what happened, he turned on the US so we crushed him.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:56 PM
My last post....
It is clear to me that your liberal roase colored glasses prevent you from seeing anything valid in my posts...
I post questions to everyone including madj (who has never responded BTW) and i back those questions up most times with examples...i get opinions not facts opinions in return....
Alpha Madj Dorothy be well. Don't bother responding I have not the energy to argue with the fence post any longer.
good luck all.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:15 PM
Anonymous - Better naive than filled with hate. What's worse is filled with hate and uninformed.
Excerpts from article in the associated press....do you read at all Anonymous?
"Islam says it's all right to demonstrate but not to resort to violence. This must stop," said senior cleric Mohammed Usman, a member of the Ulama Council — Afghanistan's top Islamic organization. "We condemn the cartoons but this does not justify violence. These rioters are defaming the name of Islam."
"Aggression against life and property can only damage the image of a peaceful Islam," said the statement released by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the EU chief Javier Solana
"We value and appreciate peaceful Islamic protests," said Abdul Aziz al-Hakim. "But we are against the idea of attacking embassies and other official sites."
Alphaprimer has shown you how you have contradicted yourself.
How insane is it to say what has happened in Iraq as not horrible.
Look at these photos and tell me of the wonderful things going on in Iraq.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:01 PM
I noticed someone throwing around web sites to read thought you all might like this one.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:37 PM
oops her it is.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:37 PM
Katrina had nothing to do with race in America. It had everything to do with an awesome storm that caught our country by not planning appropriately. Once our South East communication was wiped out, chaos ensued. It’s as simple and difficult as that!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:18 AM
Whatever the case, it just came out that the White house knew about Katrina at least a day before it happened,
But claimed at the time that they didnt know until 3 days later.
Regardless of any other issues about Katrina, it proves that even when warned about a dynamic event be it terrorism or natural disaster,
that our country cant get itself together, so if or when we have another terrorist attack, we will not be ready for it.
Because i thought protecting and saving American lives was a priority in this country, and yet look what happens. They literally "die waiting for help"
Posted by
Unknown |
9:22 PM
This is very touching and opens my eyes - I'm in college - English Major. Those are very touching photographs and the poem/story is very touching as well and opens my eyes.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:20 PM
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Anonymous |
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