drunk in Riyadh
I’M here,,
I’m there ,,
I’m in no where ,,
They weather was so dusty ,, and I’m still feeling the sand in my eyes, and under my teeth ,,
I did like that storm,
it was terrible, it destroyed lots of building , it caused harm ,,
Some people were about to die ,,
But after all, I could get out of my car ,,, I was about to cry ,,,
I raised my hands and started to hug every piece of water ,,, and every rain drop ,,
The sky was crying ,, and I was shouting ,,
I miss you babe ,,
I miss your air ,,
Wait for me ,,, I’m coming to you,,
I smelled your smell in Riyadh ,,
It was a dream ,,, or a day dream ,,
I was inside my world again ,,
I miss you Yazan ,,
I miss you Baher ,,
Lana ,, Kinda ,, Faten ,,,
Mam ,,, I love you ,,,,,
Thanks ,, my heart is still pumping my black blood ,,
Ya lateef ,,, shu meshta2 ,,,
Ra7 mut ,,
I’m there ,,
I’m in no where ,,
They weather was so dusty ,, and I’m still feeling the sand in my eyes, and under my teeth ,,
I did like that storm,
it was terrible, it destroyed lots of building , it caused harm ,,
Some people were about to die ,,
But after all, I could get out of my car ,,, I was about to cry ,,,
I raised my hands and started to hug every piece of water ,,, and every rain drop ,,
The sky was crying ,, and I was shouting ,,
I miss you babe ,,
I miss your air ,,
Wait for me ,,, I’m coming to you,,
I smelled your smell in Riyadh ,,
It was a dream ,,, or a day dream ,,
I was inside my world again ,,
I miss you Yazan ,,
I miss you Baher ,,
Lana ,, Kinda ,, Faten ,,,
Mam ,,, I love you ,,,,,
Thanks ,, my heart is still pumping my black blood ,,
Ya lateef ,,, shu meshta2 ,,,
Ra7 mut ,,
We, Syria... we miss u too. :)
welcome back my friend..
Posted by Yazan | 2:54 PM
thanx for this blog and please let me take a copy to my sites
منتديات البورصة المصرية
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اخبار البورصة المصرية اليوم
البورصة المصرية اليوم
اخبار البورصة المصرية
البورصة المصرية مباشر
اسعار الاسهم المصرية
البورصة المصرية
البورصة المصرية
البورصة المصرية
Posted by Borsa | 3:03 PM
دردشة شات بنت مصر ، دردشة مصرية - مجتمع مصري ترفيهي للمرأة المصرية
بنت مصر
شات بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر
شات مصرى
دردشه مصريه
شات بنات مصر
دردشة مصرية
دردشة بنات مصر
شات مصر
دليل بنت مصر-شات بنت مصر - دليل الدردشات
دردشة بنت مصر،شات بنت مصر،بنت مصر،العاب بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر،شات بنت مصر،بنت مصر،يوتيوب بنت مصر
شات بنت مصر،دردشة بنت مصر،بنت مصر،جوال بنت مصر
بنت مصر،دردشة شات بنت مصر،توبيكات بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر،شات بنت مصر،بنت مصر،مطبخ سيدتى بنت مصر
دردشة بنت مصر،شات بنت مصر،بنت مصر،الازياء والموضة بنت مصر
شات بنت مصر،صور الماسنجر بنت مصر،صور دردشة بنت مصر
شات،شات كتابى،شات بنت مصر،شات مصرى،مصري
Posted by Anonymous | 1:46 AM
.. :(
Posted by Räumung wien | 5:00 PM
فين الموضوعات الجديدة .. ؟؟
Posted by Übersiedlung Wien | 2:21 PM
Thanks to the effort .. I wish you luck
Posted by Firmenumzug Wien | 5:50 PM
فين الموضوعات الجديدة .. ؟؟
Posted by Entsorgung Wien | 1:48 PM
Conciliators :)
Posted by Transport Wien | 1:59 PM
Posted by Umzug in die Schweiz | 3:23 PM
Allah grant you success ... Where new themes ?!
Posted by Räumung | 2:47 PM
Posted by Hausräumung Wien | 4:10 PM
Wonderful .. I hope the new display themes
Posted by Verlassenschaft Wien | 4:34 PM
Wonderful .. I hope the new display themes
Posted by Verlassenschaft Wien | 4:34 PM
شكراً على المجهود .. دمتم بخير :)
Posted by Umzug nach Luxemburg | 4:09 PM
دوماً موفقين ... وبأنتظار الجديد ..
Posted by Botendienst Wien | 4:07 PM
شكراً على الموضوع ... :)
Posted by Umzug Wien | 2:15 PM
Posted by Wohnungsumzug Wien | 2:19 PM
Wo neue Themen? Allah ist mit dir
Posted by Möbel Umzug Wien | 2:51 PM
شكرا على الموضوعات
Posted by Container Entsorgung | 2:15 PM