Friday, November 25, 2005 

الجوع كافر

توقعاتي ... زبطت ..

خوفي بمحلو ....

مبارح الدولار كان بـ 57 ليرة ..

اليوم الدولار .... 58.5

من فترة قريبة غرام الدهب بـ 600

اليوم صار بـ 800. ليرة.

و مازلنا ننتظر خبر المازوت ....

Friday, November 18, 2005 

Piss artist

I am annoyed, i.e. I am pissed off...

while I was staring at the dictionary looking at more meaningfull words which means annoyed.
I enjoyed looking at the word piss and its means .. Ooh .. sorry I mean the meanings of piss ..

let's have a look at these words:

piss-poor: adjective OFFENSIVE
Having very little money, or being of very low quality.

piss-take noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE
An act of making someone or something look silly.

piss-down phrasal verb [I] UK OFFENSIVE
To rain heavily.

pissed off adjective [after verb] (US ALSO pissed) UK OFFENSIVE
Annoyed. (This is my status now)

Piss artist noun [C]1 UK OFFENSIVE
Someone who does not do things correctly (


why I am pissed off?


simply cause
everything is pissing (Bekh*****!)

"Syrian people are pissed-poor now, and the hangring is expected to increase due to Mehles and his fucking report who is pissing-down great threats against us,acting as if we are the pissing-artists".

everything is pissing in you believe me ?

but I am afraind of the expected great disaster which is: "The great increase in the diesel prices"

I am praying for the future of all Syrian people whom I can't stop loving, and afraiding for them from all of my heart.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 

Stop the war

Over 2067 American soldiers are died in the war
Over 100,000 Iraqis are killed

let's stop the occupation
NO more blood
NO more dollars
we are the majority, why can't we stop the devastative war !?
thanks Ghalia

Monday, November 14, 2005 


كان مناسبا لو بقيت في بلدك بين اقاربك واولادك.. هذا اذا كان لك اولاد؟!. ولم تصفعينا بجرأئك على الحياة.

كان مناسبا لو انك اخترت ان تعودين ادراجك من نقطة الحدود.. بدل ان تمضين الى اقصى الحدود.

كان اجدى لو انك وفرت علينا طلتك المشينة والمخزية على شاشات التلفاز لتخبرينا انك وزوجك شاهدتما اطفالا ونساء ينسلون الى قاعة فندق الراديسون ليحتفلوا بعرسهم فاحلتموه الى مأتم.


لم تطلب ساجدة مبارك عتروس الريشاوي الرحمة من احد..

لم تطلب المغفرة من اهالي الضحايا..

هل تعرفون لماذا؟

لانها تعرف انها لا تستحقها.. وان احدا، مهما كان عطوفا، لن يعطف على قاتلة الاطفال والنساء والشيوخ الابرياء. خصوصا وانها، قدحت زناد الحزام الناسف.. فلم ينفجر بها.


ادلت باعترافاتها بهدوء.. وهي تفرك يديها.


تغسل يديها من حياة..


Friday, November 11, 2005 

فرفح قلبي

اليوم نطرت الميكرو, كتير ..

نطرتو كتير ..... مع أنو كان زابلني ..

من كتر الشوق , سكرت و صرت هلوس بالعجعقة ..

المشكلة أنو كانت أختي معي , يعني مو بس بدي راقب الميكرو , و بدي دير بالي عليها!

شو بدي قول .... و الله ما بعرف.......

و في النهاية أتى الحبيب المنتظر ..

ذرفتُ بعض الدموع, و ارتسمت ضحكة الأمل على وجهها الضاحك الجميل ..

برقت عيناي من سكرات الفرح و صرت أغني, و أختي تقهقه ..

جيت بوقتك فرفح قلبي فرفح قلبي ... آه يا قلبي ..

و أختي تقول لي:
لك شو صرلك ... لك شو صار معك ..

و أنا أقولُ لها:
"فرفح قلبي, فرفح قلبي يا قلبي "

Monday, November 07, 2005 

Message to God

I recieved an E-mail about messages written by American children to God.

some of the children said:

"Dear God,

Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones! Why don't you just keep the ones you have now !?"


"Dear God,

I think about you sometimes even I don't pray!"

I don't know why children here don't dare to ask such question!?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005 

Hell's lava was inside

yesterday I was preparing an article about traffic jams in Ramadan, I was over the president bridge!, and everyone one on the streets was roaring , oh it was discus ting!

So I started to take photos, and they was great in fact, you can see the traffic bottle neck is clearly done by a traffic police man, you can see people struggling with great solidarity in order to have public transportation, fighting and sitting beside each other -very very very close in fact!- in public transportation,there were boys and gals holding each other offffffffffffff what a romantic scene! -they were poor gals in fact- ,you can clearly see or hear there aims that 3eed is going to be tomorrow in order to stop the rats race.

but can you guess what happend after that!?
Oh, I was caught by the HARAS EL JEMHOUREE, cause I was taking photos beside EL-DIAFEH palace, I tried to explain a lot but in vain ..
even the photos had nothing to do with what they were thinking about, but ..

I was prevented to make any phone call, I switched my cell off. they put me in there stone COLOBA!! waiting for siadet el-3akeed ..
in fact I wasn't afraid about myself! the only think I thought about was my Sony cybershot new camera!
He took the camera from me ..... and I started to burn in side ..

After 57 minutes of discussion, few minutes of silence, but full of fire and hell's lava,I could convince him to delete the photos and go away ..

and then, I HAVE GONE WITH THE WIND, and my camera was with me.
BUT all the photos over the bridge were deleted.