حنان السيجارة
يقول العالم سيغمون فرويد أن السيجارة هي تعويض لفقدان ثدي الأم و لفقدان طمأنينة الرضيع أثناء فترات الرضاعة الأولى
و رغم ذلك مخاطر التدخين أمومةٌ ساهرة على جيل ما زال يدخن !!
لماذا فقد الرضيع الطمأنينة ؟!
لماذا لم يشرب الحليب ؟
هل حصل هذا الرضيع على الطمأنينة عندما أصبح مراهقاً؟
60% من الشعب السوري تحت خط الفقر!!
(خط الفقر: هو خط الرعب و الهاوية بالنسبة لبعض دول العالم المتقدم, و هو ناطحة سحاب و سجن مؤبد لدول العالم العاشر)
شكلنا بدنا نحشش!
yeah..where even start?..I think there are milions of reasons in the daily life of an average citizen to smoke
( a type of massive suicide).
Maybe a good way to stop people from smoking is to make the prices higher..
Posted by
Catherine |
1:25 PM
Or to let young people enjoy love and relations with each other, without threating of killing the girl or forcing them to get engaged even if they don't know each other well and I don't know what..? Instead of enjoying love of their mothers? I mean when we are above 15 years old I think we think more about love from and with a girl/ boy than with mother..
I think it's that kind of love we miss, not the love from a mother!
Posted by
Catherine |
1:31 PM
First I thank god everyday that I( don't smoke, and that i could resist attempts from my friends to make me smoke.
Catherine I think relations between sexes are getting accepted more and more by the time, the stuff you see from taking a walk downtown was impossible 20 years ago, but you got to give our society a chance, it has traditions hundreds of years old and people aren’t ready to give them up so quickly you just have to give it time.
Posted by
Baher |
12:06 PM
Cathrine .. I agree with U !
Diablo !! I don't :)
Girls here in Syria used to wear short skirts 1960's or 70's ..
but after Ref3at disasters ppl moved a lot towards relligion and some times they became extremists ..
they used to love ..
To think about love ...
now they are loving ..
Even boys and girls are loving each other ..
but I think in a dirty way !!
in Najla 's way !! or you can say in Haifaa's way ..
every girl (in that age ) wishes to be like Haifaa ..
I think they are thinking about love ..
cause they need it .. but they can't have it in Media's way !!
So let's smoke with them ;)
Posted by
Majd Ayoubi |
5:42 PM
smoking is a way for running away from REALITY or from problems
making prices harder is going to make ppl think about killing sucide !
I don't think it is a good way !
Posted by
Majd Ayoubi |
5:47 PM